Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Alarms & Smoke Detectors

Protect your Family, Property and Life.

The Law in Scotland changes from the 1st February 2022, are you Safe and Compliant with the Law! Your Home Insurance maybe invalid!!!

What does this all mean?

At least 3 Smoke Detectors and Heat Detector Linked installed and a Carbon Monoxide Detector installed, with a direct power source.

Contact us for a free quote, stay safe and legal.

What the Scottish Government say:

Free Fire Safety Inspections:

All Domestic Properties will require:

Smoke/Fire Detectors that are linked, One in each room that is used as a Daily Living Space, and One in each Hallway/Landing area. These have to be either Electrical connected to your mains supply or have a 10 year Lithium Battery and still linked. Additionally, the requirement for a Heat Detector within Kitchens, that is linked to this system, again either with a mains supply or with a 10 year Lithium Battery.

Wait there is more to the Legislation Change!!! There is a requirement for a Cardon Monoxide Detector near all Carbon-Fuelled Appliances.

What are my options?

Fixed and Wired Installation

Directly connected power supply and consumer unit, with individual Circuit Breaking Device, and linked together via wiring.

Pros: Always there, always on, with the power supply, don’t need replaced.

Cons: 2nd Fix Electrical and Linked Communication between Detectors, can be unsightly, with Trucking on Ceilings and Walls. 1st Fix Electrical and Linked Communication between Detectors, requirement to open walls & ceilings & floorings to install cabling, therefore Re-plaster and Redecoration. Both can be time consuming and costly.

Wireless and 10 year Lithium Battery Powered

Installed at direct areas, uses latest RF wireless technology, no need for Wi-Fi or internet within Property. 5 year guarantee on each unit, with 10 year power supply.

Pros: No mess, directly installed, completely tamper proof, allows to add more detectors to system.

Cons: Will need replaced every 5-10 years, as sealed unit to comply with Legislation, but with advances in technology, will become better and cheaper in time.

Hybrid Wired and Wireless System

A mix of both systems, where the wired powered units can have a RF Transmitter Base fitted, therefore can Utilise existing Fixed Cable Powered Systems.

Pros: Uses fixed power for existing locations, and additional wireless detectors added so less mess and means power always on, for those directly connected.

Cons: Not too many, although limited by the suppliers, and hardware slightly more expensive. Wireless units will need replaced when battery expires, as still tamper-proof sealed unit.

Contact us for a free quote, stay safe and legal